' ---------------------------------------------------------- ' NEW IMPLEMENTATION OF TIMER_TICK ' ---------------------------------------------------------- Dim x, y, pass As Integer For pass = 1 To 2 For x = 1 To myWidth For y = 1 To myHeight Dim thing As OceanElement = getObject(New Point(x, y)) If (GetType(OceanAgent).IsInstanceOfType(thing)) Then Dim agent As OceanAgent = CType(thing, OceanAgent) If (agent.Priority = pass) Then agent.Move(newOcean) End If End If Next Next Next ' ---------------------------------------------------------- ' MOVING A CHUM BOAT ' ---------------------------------------------------------- Dim destination As Point = newOcean.eastOf(myLocation) If (myTimeToChum = 0) Then ' I need to drop a fish newOcean.putObject(New Fish(myLocation)) myTimeToChum = 5 Else myTimeToChum = myTimeToChum - 1 End If ' Chug along to the east myLocation = destination newOcean.putObject(Me)